Buying and selling websites—sometimes known as website flipping—has been called the most reliable way to make money online. I believe that’s true, because it’s fundamentally the simplest and most timeless strategy there is.
I’m not someone you’ve ever heard of before, and I didn’t just sell a website for half a million dollars last week (as it seems many others would like you to believe). I’m not going to try to impress you with my income—that’s my business. But I have been doing this for a while, and given a lot of attention to figuring out the process of website flipping--what works and what doesn't. I’m starting this blog to share what I’ve learned.
Does that mean I’m really here to sell you my secret formula for making tons of money buying and selling websites? Nope. In fact, here’s Lesson #1: there is no secret formula! It’s a very basic process, really, with countless variations. Find a website, buy it, improve it, sell it. The way it works for me may not be exactly the way it works for you. You may emphasize or be most comfortable with any one of those four components—and that’s perfectly fine.
Of course there are some strategies that can help you buy and sell your websites effectively and profitably, and that’s what this blog is here to provide. For free. Other sites will offer you the $47 ebook or the $97/month exclusive membership, and I’ll leave them to it.
You see, I’ve taken those classes and read the books, just to see what they’re offering. And guess what? With some notable exceptions most of those information products are quite good. If you’re the sort who is more likely to trust and value information that comes with a price tag, it’s worth it to invest in some “professional” training.
But my advice to you is this: save that $50-$100 for buying your first website! That’s when the learning really takes place. Most of the “book learning” you can get is basic nuts and bolts—and I’ll be covering all of that here. I won't be giving anyone else's "secret formulas" away, but I do have plenty of tips and tricks of my own that I want to share.
And yet I'm earning an income doing this, and you can too. You'll pick up all the "technical" knowledge you need along the way. My whole approach stems from the insight that good judgment, curiosity and enthusiasm are the real fundamentals for success. And with that in mind, I’ll close with Lesson #2: Website flipping is FUN.
Fun? Now why is that so important—especially to beginners? Stick around for my next post and find out.
Until next time—
Hey thanks for the info.